
A lifetime of collaboration

At DU, your degree is just the beginning. 我们的校友通过“行动日”等项目相互合作,并与学校合作,改善他们的世界, which works to make college more accessible to low-income elementary students, and Black Women LEAD, which creates leadership opportunities for young black women. An alumni network spanning Colorado to Qatar allows graduates everywhere, from Denver-based brewers to Google operations coordinators, to hire fellow Pioneers.

Wherever life takes you, our alumni community will provide support and development, connection and collaboration, and a multitude of opportunities to improve DU and the world. You'll hit the ground running, 利用我们全面的就业服务和全球校友网络,在建立专业联系和持久友谊的同时,找到您理想的职业.

As you advance in your life and career, 你们将通过为现在的学生——也就是杜克大学的下一代校友——提供智慧和机会来丰富杜克大学的社区. You'll have the chance to participate in alumni activities, including professional development and cultural and athletic events, as well as continued access to faculty and campus leaders on campus or wherever our alumni live. Our alumni continue to provide a valued voice that helps us excel as we look toward the future.

Career & Professional Development

Whether you graduated this year or celebrated your class reunion, we will help you:

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    Match your strengths and passions to internship and employment opportunities

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    Develop your professional brand through resume counseling, cover letter and interview preparation, and online persona cultivation

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    Navigate such complex topics as salary negotiation, leadership and asset management, through in-person events and free webinars

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    Discover a wealth of resources related to your career, field and major

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    Build a lifelong network of Pioneer alums, family and friends who want to help you succeed

Connect with Alumni Across the World

As a DU alum, you'll have access to multiple professional communities, including:

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    Pioneer Careers, 这是杜克大学独有的职位数据库,校友可以在这里搜索从米高梅(MGM)到丰田(Toyota)等公司的空缺职位. Alumni can also use the database to fill open positions in their offices or companies.

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    University Career Action Network, 由21所全国最好的学院和大学组成,共享数千个国内和国际实习机会.

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    Pioneer Connect, 一个草根校友网络社区,让你有机会与世界各地的毕业生互动并向他们学习.

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Visit Career & Professional Development

Discover how we support our alumni after graduation.

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DU Alumni Fight Poverty in Denver

2006年尼加拉瓜的一个服务学习项目激发了yzcca88游戏登录网址的两名学生——经济学专业的Eric Kornacki(09届文学士)和犯罪学专业的Joseph Teipel(07届文学士)——在国内与贫困作斗争. When the pair discovered that limited access to fresh, healthy food was one of the biggest problems facing Denver's Westwood neighborhood, they developed their signature Re:Farm program, which works with Westwood residents to build backyard gardens and community urban farms. 这个非营利组织现在正努力通过帮助建立一个多功能社区中心和一个社区拥有的国际食品大厅来扩大他们的影响. They're just two of the many Pioneers working to find creative solutions to better the world.

Past Pioneers

Get to know some of our most notable alumni.

regan linton
Regan Linton

Regan Linton, who received her master’s degree from DU’s Graduate School of Social Work, made history as the first person in a wheelchair to be named artistic director of a major U.S. theater company. That company, Phamaly, 是一家总部位于丹佛的专业剧团,制作戏剧和音乐剧,全部由身体健康的演员组成, cognitive and emotional disabilities. During her time at DU, 林顿认识到戏剧和社会工作都有增加同理心的主要作用, a goal she works toward everyday.

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hillary frances
Hillary Frances

Hillary Frances graduated in 2009 with an MA in international and intercultural communication. She’s currently helping prepare nontraditional students, many of them immigrants and refugees, to enter the workforce. 作为艾米丽格里菲斯技术学院成人教育和语言学习中心的教学主任, 她帮助在原籍国从事STEM和医疗保健领域工作的国际成人学生学习英语,帮助他们回到自己的专业领域. 她的工作有助于确保这些学生能够充分参与并为他们的新社区做出贡献.

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eva hakansson
Eva Hakansson

Eva Hakansson is the fastest female motorcyclist in the world. Not only that, 她利用在ca88登录正确网址获得的机械工程硕士学位制造了她的创纪录的电动摩托车, the Killajoule. 这位自称“拥抱树木的速度迷”的成就证明了电动汽车的潜力,并为想要创造未来的年轻女性树立了榜样.

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craig patrick
Craig Patrick

Craig Patrick, who graduated in 1969 with a BA in Economics, 他在先锋冰球队的四年经历成就了他长达十年的职业生涯,并在历史上留下了一席之地. As a member of Herb Brooks’ coaching staff, Craig was behind the bench for the 1980 “Miracle On Ice,” where the U.S. men’s hockey team pulled off a stunning Olympic upset against the Soviet Union. 在取得成功之后,他担任了杜克大学的体育总监和两支NHL球队的总经理, the Pittsburgh Penguins and the New York Rangers.

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carol tome
Carol Tome

CFO of Home Depot and one of Forbes' 50 most powerful women in business, Carol Tome initially didn't see herself helping run a $90 billion company. After her family's independent bank was sold, she began looking for other opportunities. 她在杜克大学担任助教期间获得的领导经验为她攀登公司阶梯奠定了基础. Now she sits at the top as the self-proclaimed "Home Depot Queen of Cash and Ruler of Finance," and as a role model for the DU business community.

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Sam Estenson
Sam Estenson

Sam Estenson made his mark at DU, 担任本科生学生会主席,并协助协调2012年的校园总统辩论. 2013年本科毕业,自主设计专业(跨文化全球化与外语), 他在谷歌的全球团队中担任运营协调员,负责管理公司的招聘系统和流程. 他希望为谷歌带来更多的先驱者,并与许多领域对谷歌感兴趣的在校学生进行了视频聊天.

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Alumni Events

Alumni Events

From alumni gatherings in Denver to dinners in Dubai, 你将有机会与世界各地的校友建立联系并建立持久的友谊. 丹佛的校友活动包括由年轻校友组织的夏季社交活动和校友周末, which recognizes those who've made an indelible mark on DU.

Don't worry if you no longer live in Denver, as you'll find a wide range of events put on by our national and international alumni networks. 无论你是住在西雅图,想要建立职业关系,还是去洛杉矶,希望能找到一些友好的面孔,一起参加先锋队的冰球比赛, our alumni groups will welcome you with open hearts.

One new event we're particularly proud of is Alumni Weekend, which celebrates alumni achievement, 欢迎即将毕业的学生加入校友社区,并让回归的校友了解我们在ca88登录正确网址所做的事情. Central to Alumni Weekend are the Alumni Awards and Pioneer Symposium. 校友奖是我们在世界各地和任何领域表彰和庆祝校友的机会. Pioneer Symposium is an annual series that brings alumni, 教授和其他著名的演讲者回到教室,了解与学生有关的重要问题, our community and our world.

We also host professional development opportunities for our alumni, 内容涵盖了从为应届毕业生找第一份工作到实时简历审查再到迈尔斯-布里格斯测试的各种话题. The DU Women's Professional Alliance Series also offers career development events, 讨论一些问题,比如作为一名女性专业人士如何在工作场所取得成功,以及如何将女性企业主聚集在一起.

Building Connections

Alumni of Action
Alumni advocacy

Our Alumni of ACTION (Advocating Collaboration Through Inclusive Excellence, Outreach and Networking) supports the black, Asian, indigenous and Latino communities through advocacy and education. 通过音乐会和冰球比赛等活动,将有色人种的校友和在校生聚集在一起, 他们培养和加强了一个社区,致力于建立一个强大的校园体验,延伸到毕业后的校友和职业生活.

Lifelong engagement

No matter how long ago you graduated, the DU alumni community offers lifelong benefits. Our alumni networks are rounded out by Pioneer Alumni Legends (PALS), a group of alumni who graduated 50 or more years ago. PALS每季在校园举办活动,为越来越多希望回到校园并分享大学新兴奋感的老先锋队成员提供服务.